Day: November 18, 2014

Quick Sunday Curry


Today I bought home Steve from Hospital, and knew that he had taken one look at the fish for dinner the night before , it was cooked and reheated  and certainly looked horrible.

I knew Steve would want and need a comforting curry to fill his stomach and warm his body. Good food always makes us feel better.

I have been making really delicious curry pastes in the Thermomix and have been amazed at the speed and ease in which I have been able to quickly produce them.

This night I didn’t have the right ingredients for a fresh paste ,so made up a quick curry using curry powder and some bought madras curry paste. I also had some leftover lamb from a lamb roast.

After sautéing some onion I added two different curry powders and some curry paste. I find combining a few different powders or pastes gives the curry a more complex flavour.I also like to add some root vegetables such as carrot and potato along with pumpkin. This gives the curry some body.

My finishing touches are fresh herbs and a good dollop of yoghurt and sweet tomato chutney.